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                                     Rama Fox, CEO


Rama Fox, M.A., has focused much of her efforts through the years 

in pursuit of service.  She has volunteered in infant and child-abuse 

facilities, care centers for mentally, emotionally and physically

disabled children, teenage delinquent retention facilities, and homes 

for the elderly.  Rama has counseled and facilitated workshops with

AIDS patients, along with volunteering at hospices and in feeding

the homeless.  She has also volunteered at the Valley State Prison

for Women (VSPW) in Chowchilla, CA as part of the University of

Santa Monica’s acclaimed Freedom to Choose program.  VSPW is

believed to be the largest maximum security women's prisons in

the world. 


In 2001 she founded The HeartLight Foundation – which sponsored 

the radio show Rama & Dan’s Conversations With Greatness (CWG). Due to

Rama’s humanitarian interests and commitment, CWG became a

forum from which many well-known individuals contributed their 

practical wisdoms and experience to the listening  audience.  The

program focus of CWG is the dissemination of humanitarian, uplifting,

life-enhancing, motivational and inspirational concepts and experiences.


Rama was born in Miami, Florida. She became a life-long student of 

comparative religions, consciousness, metaphysics, psychology and

the humanities.  She has a Masters Degree in psychology, is certified

at a master's level in NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming), and has led 

numerous awareness and personal growth seminars.  In 1990 she 

founded Witness Preparation Service, through which she prepares

witnesses for legal testimony.


Rama is also a licensed real estate agent with Keller Williams Realty in

Encino, CA.  


She was a television commercial and print model – and as the 

international spokesperson for Lion Country Safari, she appeared

with big cats on television shows. She continues to aid in animal

rights and is especially interested in coming to the medical aid for 

service animals of the disabled.


A student of many cultures and ideologies, Rama has traveled 

extensively throughout the United States, Italy, Germany, Belgium, 

Austria, Spain, France, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Scandinavia, 

The British Isles, Greece, Egypt, Israel, Mainland China, India, 

Polynesia, Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, the Bahamas and has

been on extended photographic safaris in Kenya, Rwanda & Zaire.


You can contact Rama at ramalama@speakeasy.net email





Dan Acuff, CFO


Dan Acuff, Ph.D., has a decades long relationship with service.

After two years in Colombia with the Peace Corps, Dr. Acuff

taught in university  and secondary schools for 15 years, and 

for 11 of those years also led personal growth seminars in front 

of more than 3,000 individuals and groups.


Dr. Acuff's foundational Free Press/Simon & Schuster book

co-authored by Robert Reiher, Ph.D., on marketing to families and

kids: What Kids Buy and Why: The Psychology of Marketing to Kids

is a classic in its field and has been translated into Japanese,

Korean and Chinese. Dr. Acuff is also the author of a variety of

articles on new product development, product and  program

maximization, marketing and advertising.


Also co-authored by Dr. Reiher, his latest book:

KIDNAPPED - How Irresponsible Marketers are Stealing the

Minds of Your Children assists parents in the task of more effectively

protecting and nurturing their children in these more consumer

and technological times. A selection of some of Dr. Acuff's

clients past and present include:


  • Microsoft

  • ABC TV

  • Hallmark

  • Johnson & Johnson

  • CBS

  • Disney

  • Mattel

  • Frito-Lay

  • PepsiCo

  • Coca-Cola

  • Dakin

  • Amblin/Spielberg

  • Scholastic

  • Kraft

  • Nike

  • MCA Universal

  • Hunt Wesson

  • Nestle

  • Nickelodeon

  • Kelloggs

  • Marvel

  • Van De Kamps

  • LucasFilm

  • Warner Brothers

  • Hasbro

  • Pilsbury

  • M&M Mars

  • National Geographic

  • Saban

  • Kodak

  • Avery

  • General Mills

  • Dominos


  • Pizza Hut


  • Sega

  • I-Hop

  • Twentieth
    Century Fox

    • USDA


•Baylor College

       of Medicine


  • The World
        Health Organization




Books by Dr. Acuff are available at Amazon.com and include: The

Mysteries of Quan, a Spiritual Adventure novel,

SUCCESS TALK:  What To Say To Yourself to Succeed - In Love

and Life. SUCCESS TALK contains a variety of communication and

empowerment strategies and has application in a wide variety of 

arenas including:  Motivation, Inspiration, Corporate Culture Change, 

Marketing, Sales, Productivity, Team-Building, Leadership, and 



Dr. Acuff is also an avid golfer and has applied the Success Talk 

principles to golf in his book, GOLF TALK: What To Say To Yourself 

From Tee To Green, and in a short golf novelette: Golf is the Teacher,

Life is the Lesson - a charming story of an older man who teaches a 

younger man a series of Zen-like lessons on golf and life.


Dr. Dan Acuff is a much sought-after speaker both in the United 

States and internationally, having spoken before over 5,000 

individuals worldwide including France, Spain, Costa Rica, India, 

Australia, Mexico, Singapore, Norway, Israel, Canada and the UK. 

His out-from-behind-the-podium and out into the audience, 

personal style is both refreshing and impactful.


   Contact: danielacuff@sbcglobal.net to contract Dr. Acuff as a

   consultant and/or speaker
